Premium Transport For Your Business And Personal Needs


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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Termsand Conditions

Festival Period Charges

Prices on these dates: Priceson these dates: 25th December From 00:01 hours to 26th December 23:59 hours and1st 00:01 hours 23.59 hours will be quoted at 50% higher than our normalprices. This is due to limited drivers available for work duringseasonal periods.


Prices are based on passengers being ready totravel at the booking time.

All prices are quoted per vehicle.

Prices are quoted to drive through a mosteconomical route. If the passenger nominate a route to their preference,passenger will be liable to pay the extra charges such as fuel, toll, waitingand other charges.


It is the booker’s or passenger’s responsibility toensure that they reserve or book the correct size of vehicle in order to carrythe number of passengers and luggage.

The vehicle capacities are stated on the website ofPremier Airport Transport.

If the passenger has booked a smaller vehiclecapacity to carry the number of passengers and luggage, the driver reserves theright to refuse to carry the passengers due to Health and Safety rules.However, the passenger is liable to pay the full fare to the driver.

Additional Passengers and Luggage

Additional passengers and luggage may be added withthe permission of Premier Airport Transport to control to the car ordered butnot exceeding the numbers per vehicle capacity ordered.


Payments can be made by the following methods:

Cash to the driver at the time of transfer (insterling pounds).

Prepay by Credit or Debit card online or over thephone.

Phone Bookings

All telephone bookings are taken with greatattention and care to make sure it is accurate. Some calls are recorded fortraining and verification purposes.

Premier Airport Transport will notbe liable for any wrong information given by the person who is making thebooking or passenger.

Booking Confirmations

Premier Airport Transport willconfirm the online booking via email if a valid email address is provided.

Fraud Prevention

Any online credit or debit card bookings will besubject to verification.

Waiting time charges

On all airport pick ups, the maximum free waitingtime is 60 minutes, starting from the flight landing time or fromthe requested pickup time. Afterwards, 0.40pence per minutes willapply. We will check the flight status before we enter the airport. There areno additional charges for any flight delays. If you have made otherarrangements such as refreshment, meeting, shopping, etc. in the terminal, itis passengers or bookers liability to choose the preferred pick-up time at thetime of booking the transfer.

On all sea/ cruise port pick ups, the maximum freewaiting time is 60 minutes, starting from the nominated pick up time.Afterwards, 0.40 pence per minutes will apply.

Pickups from home, hotel, offices and other venuesare allowed 10 minutes of free waiting time from the actual booked time,thereafter0.40 pence per minute will be added to the fare quoted.

Additional Drop offs and Pick ups

Additional drop offs and pickups will be chargedper mile with a minimum fee of ?5.00 per diversion.

Booking Cancellations or changes

A booking of transfer can be cancelled or changedin advance by phone giving 12 hours notice prior to the transfer time.

To cancel or change any bookings, you must contactour customer service team. You do not cancel or change or a cancel a bookingwith our drivers.

Missed Flight

In the event of a missed flight, it is thepassenger’s or booker’s liability to inform Express Airport Transportimmediately, so that we will notify the driver not to enter the airport for thepick up. If the journey was pre-paid, the fare will be refunded after deducting6.00GBP for bank charges. However, if the passenger wises to take a laterflight we will provide the service at no extra cost. Failure to notify this toExpress Airport Transport, the passenger or booker will be liable to pay thefull fare and if it is pre- paid, the fare will not be refunded.

"No Show"

"No Show" Meaning: If passengerbooks a private hire car with us and failed to meet the driver on pick up time,this will include airport, seaport, home, hotel and other private address.

This will include incorrect date and time of thebookings.

The driver will wait in the arrival hall up to 1hour 30 minutes from flight landing time and if the passenger fails to meet thedriver within this time limit or failed to make contact via phone, email or SMSto inform their status at the airport or seaport, this will beconsidered as a no show.

All bookings made online or over the phone on basisof paying the driver cash, and if the booking was secured with a valid creditor debit card will be charged the full fare of transfer in the event of an noshow.

All bookings pre- paid by a credit or debit cardwill not be re-funded in the event of a no show Routes

The driver will take the route to a destination byconsidering the following facts:

The traffic


Road closures


Prices are quoted to drive through a mosteconomical route.If the passenger nominate a route to their preference,passenger will be liable to pay the extra charges such as fuel, toll, waitingand other charges.


Company cannot be held responsible for anyfinancial losses,missed flights, trains or meetings because the car is notarriving at the pick-up location at the booked time due to adverseweather, vehicle breakdown, traffic conditions,or road traffic accidents,road closures or event destruction. In unexpected incidences such this, we willcall and inform the customer as soon as we are aware of the delay and it ispassenger’s responsibility to make the decision to wait for our car to arriveor to make alternative travel arrangements. 

Company cannot be held responsible being given thewrong booking information by the customer or the customer booked it online andgot the booking reference number but has not received any booking confirmationfrom us.

Until customer does not receive a bookingconfirmation,booking is not confirmed. This applies only for online bookings.

Fouling or Vomiting

Any fouling or vomiting in the car by a passengerwill result in a charge of a minimum of ?50.00 depending on the severity of thefouling or vomiting.

Passenger's orBooker's responsibility

It is passenger’s responsibility to inform us, ifthey cannot locate the driver or change of journey/plan or if you missed theflight/ferry/cruise connections. If you fail to inform us, you will be chargedfull fare for the journey. 


Refunds will be issued on the followingconditions:

All pre-paid bookings booked with a credit card ordebit card 

Cancellation must be notified 12 hours prior to theactual pick up time.                                                                                

If the passenger missed the flight, passengermust inform Premier Airport Transportimmediately by phone, email and obtain a cancellation number from Premier Airport Transport.                                                                                                       

All refunds are subject to minimum fee of 6.00GBP(bank charges).

If we are refunding to an international bankaccount, we will deduct all the bank changes from the actual refund amount andthe remaining balance be refunded. 

Refund will be processed with in 7 workingsdays.

No refunds will be issued:

Cancellations notified less than 12 hours.

If the passenger books the transfer for a wrongdate, wrong flight number and other misleading information.

If the passenger leaves the pick up point withoutinforming Express Airport Transport for any reason whatsoever.